Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Money and Banking

Have you tried the recipe for a draft posted on September 10th? It’s a good way to get started—especially if you’re willing to lock yourself away from all distractions for half an hour and really think about yourself. But it can be tough to find that time and that focus. All those little voices in your head keep saying your ideas are stupid, have been used before, or probably won’t go anywhere.

So tell the voices to shut up.

And try making some deposits in the bank. Instead of trying to write your whole essay while staring at a blank sheet of paper, make a list of some things you are proud of, some characteristics you think distinguish you, some reasons your friends always include you in their groups.

Then make another list of “hot spots”—moments when you made an important decision, saw something clearly for the first time, or got turned on to an activity, author, or idea.

All of these are deposits in your bank of ideas. Put enough in the bank and you can make withdrawals whenever you need to.

Tomorrow we’ll look at some other resources for bank deposits.

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